We were first introduced to Gatorball in 1996 while living overseas. There was an incredible group of young adults that played almost every week and had been for several years. From pickup games to organized Turkey Bowls we were unstoppable, playing year-round in the sun, rain, mud, ice, or snow!
But no one had a definitive answer of who first introduced the game to the group or where it originated.
Since then, we've searched the internet to track down the origins of Gatorball. But the results appear to be inconclusive since there are conflicting sources. The consensus seems to be that it was first played in Florida, which is an idea certainly supported by its name. But even with that starting point the dates and places are widespread. One source mentions 1930 as the year it was invented but does not offer any supporting documentation. The earliest reliable original source we've found indicates that Gatorball was played in Miami-area public schools in 1971.
As we look at the landscape today there are many small pockets around the country where people are playing Gatorball. Most seem to be public education campuses, using the game in their PE curriculum, sponsoring an intramural club, or just some die-hard fans having fun. And apparently there are even some military bases that have incorporated the sport into their PT programs. Also, it appears there are as many rulebooks as there are organizations. Most follow the same basic style of gameplay but with their own local differences.
Our vision is to unite all Gatorballers around the world through love of the game and in honor of good times with good friends. We've standardized a set of ref-able rules and are helping coordinate with local municipalities and organizations to establish local clubs for youth and adults. In time, as more clubs grow, we will begin sponsoring competitive seasons, inter-club games, and other events. We invite you to contact us to help you find your nearest local club. And if there's not one in your area yet, we'll help you get one started!
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